Learning Activity

Day 5 ~ Evening

"Faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true..."(see LDS Bible Dictionary, Faith; Hebrews 11:1; Alma 32:21).

A person's faith is expressed in many different ways. In an earlier story, Brother Shreeve expressed his belief in the resurrected Jesus Christ.  For him, the scriptures taught correct principles, or ideas, that can be trusted.  As a result, his attitude was affected and his actions were guided by this faith.

And faith "...must be centered in Jesus Christ in order to produce salvation."(see, LDS Bible Dictionary, Faith).

For example, a follower of Jesus will choose to be baptized because they have faith in Him, hope to be saved in His kingdom, and therefore strive to obey all his words.

Even though you have never seen your ears,
what evidence is there that you have ears?

How can we 'look' to Jesus Christ today?

How can we increase our faith in Jesus Christ?

Commitment: I will listen to good music or taste good food and thank Heavenly Father for my body.

Commitment Kept:



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