Learning Activity

Day 8 ~ Morning

Sometimes, things that hold you down,
hold you up.

The string that was connected to Harry's and Tommy's kite was holding it down and at the same time holding it up. As soon as the string broke, the kite began falling to earth.

Natures laws and God's eternal laws are much alike. They are intended to restrain us and lift us, both at the same time. If you break God's laws you will fall. No matter how high you climb above others, if you break the law, you will fall.

On the other hand, if you continue to live the law, you never need worry about falling. When you make and keep a promise with God, your life's string will be strengthened and made secure.

What are some promises you have made?

How can you remember your promises?

How can you strengthen your ability
to keep a promise?

Commitment: I will promise God to remember and keep His commandments.

Commitment Kept:



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