The Badger Family Sunrise

  • Many years ago, when summers lasted long enough to see one's dreams come true, there lived a happy Badger family. Billy Badger loved his family.

One day, Grandpa Badger excitedly announced that on the following morning the family was arising early to watch the sun come up.

"Watch the sun come up?", Billy asked. What he wanted to say (but didn't) was You must be kidding! Why would anyone want to get up early enough to watch the sun come up? Billy didn't understand the excitement Grandpa obviously felt about this event and in spite of Billy's doubts, the event was "going to be fun", or so his mother told him.

So preparations began. Breakfast fix'ns were double checked, special attention was given the evening sky, evening prayers were said sooner than usual, and "Hurry to bed" orders were strictly enforced.

Very early the next morning, tired eyes were shaken open and soon the night's dreams were turned to curiosity as a more hurried pace filled Billy's home. Before Billy could even get out of bed his father began encouraging him to "Get dressed quickly", "Wash your face", "Make your bed", and "Hurry outside, you don't want to miss the sun!" Billy's attempts to complain that you can't miss the sun were of no avail and he soon found himself sitting on a large cold rock wishing to be back in his warm den.

Finally they were all together, father, mother, brothers, sisters, grandpa and grandma, sitting in the semi-dark. Billy had the distinct feeling that if you had to talk you should whisper. Grandpa looked delighted as he announced "Soon." to the question "How much longer?" Soon? Soon? I'll be as old as Grandpa soon. Billy thought to himself. "Let me know when it's really here" whispered Billy, and he closed his sleepy eyes.

"It's almost here!" said Grandpa. Billy opened his eyes. "Listen to the birds" said Grandma. Billy began to look around to see if he could see one of the singing birds. That's when be noticed the dew on the flowers and he sniffed to smell their sweet perfume. He began to wonder if this particular morning was unusual. Bright colors began to replace the night time shadows as the morning sky continued to brighten.

Suddenly, Billy realized that this morning was exciting. There was a happy feeling being together, smelling breakfast, and listening to Grandpa tell about his father getting him up to see the sun. Time was passing so slowly and yet, for the first time in his life, it was okay.

Billy tried to guess where on the mountain's silhouette the sun would first appear. He would guess one point and then pick another further along the rugged outline. Finally, he knew right where it would happen. The trees and rocks were aglow and the sun's white light was burning to break free from its' hiding place.

"Wow!" There it was. Light beamed directly down on Billy. First a small stream of brilliant light and then a full flood. Claps and cheers greeted those welcome rays from heaven. Billy's joyful eyes looked from mountain top to his family's smiling faces and then back to the shining peaks. Billy was actually having fun! "That was neat" he told his Mom, "Now can we eat?"

Return to: Day 5 a.m.

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