Is There a Creator?

Is There a Creator?

Two men, one named Thomas the other Jonathan, were returning from a long journey. The path was easy to follow and they were not concerned about finding their way. Many travelers had come this way before and undoubtedly many would follow.

As they walked, the younger Thomas was explaining to Jonathan his growing confusion. During his travels to a far country, he had met a certain philosopher that did not believe in a Creator. He claimed that there was no proof of such a being and ideas like these were only "silly superstitions that were passed down to control weak minds. People are merely an accident of nature" he claimed.

Young Thomas was becoming more and more perplexed. "What if he's right?" he asked his friend.

Jonathan listened carefully to his companion as they walked under the tall trees of the forest and he pondered the feelings of his own heart.

Just at that moment, before he could form an answer to his friend's question, a ray of light caught a shiny object laying on the path just ahead of them. A few steps closer and a beautiful gold pocket watch came to view with an exquisitely decorated cover.

Reaching the watch first, Thomas instinctively opened the cover, glanced at the time, and held it to his ear. It was ticking perfectly.

Jonathan suggested that this would be a good place to stop for a rest and consider what should be done with the watch. They found a fallen log and soon were sitting comfortably. After a few moments, Jonathan thought of a question to ask his friend.

"Tom, I wonder what that philosopher would say about this watch?"

"What do you mean?" responded Thomas.

Jonathan continued, "Surely, if man, who is a hundred times more extraordinary than this watch, could be an accident of nature, as your philosopher suggests, then this pocket watch might also be an accident. Perhaps it has rested here long enough that it's parts have fallen into just the right places. And it's very likely, if we leave it here, it may become a grandfather clock!"

They laughed, decided to leave a note in a prominent location instructing anyone who came looking for the watch where it could be recovered and continued their journey.

Then a thought came to Thomas, "Perhaps this forest will transform into a great sailing ship for our next journey." Again they laughed. "Jonathan," added Thomas, "I think you're right. Man is no accident and there is a Creator."


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