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Day 9 ~ Evening

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When Things Aren't Perfect

With their evening journal, prayer and scripture reading completed, Harry and Tommy hurried to the backyard and rolled out their sleeping bags. This was Tommy's first time to sleep out.

Tommy stared up at the stars. Then, after a long pause, he turned his head toward Harry and asked, "What's it like - not having a mom?"

"Sometimes it's hard," Harry answered. "I miss her when I see moms pick my friends up from school or when I come home and she's not there. But most of the time it's not so bad. Even if your mom and dad get a divorce, at least you'll be able to see both of them. I haven't seen my mom for over two years."

"I can't believe she died that long ago," said Tommy. Then a great idea came to him. "Hey, maybe you could come and stay with me for a while. When school is out you could stay the whole summer if you want."

"That would be great" said Harry. "I couldn't stay that long though. We've got too many chores to do. But I bet my dad would let me come for a while."

"I've had fun here," said Tommy.

"I wish you could stay longer," said Harry.

"Me, too," said Tommy.

"Hey," asked Harry, "do you know the story about the stars and the boy who broke his dad's good wagon?"

Tommy shook his head.

Harry pointed to a prominent star in the night sky and asked, "See that star? I'll tell you the North star story my dad told me."  North star story

After Harry finished the story, they tried to see who could count the most shooting stars streak across the sky. It wasn't long before counting gave way to sleep, and Tommy was so tired he didn't even notice the mosquito land on his nose.

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[  ]     Journal - Write in your Journal

[  ]     Scripture - Matthew 5:38-42

[  ]     Hymn - Come, Let Us Anew

LDS Hymn # 217

[  ]     Prayer - To Heavenly Father


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