Life Sketch of
David Moore



North Ogden, Utah, Jan 29, Bishop Moore, who died recently was born Jan 20, 1819 of

Dudley Moore and Mary Moulton, and died in North Ogden, Jan 26, 1901 aged 82 years and 6 days.

His great grandfather, Jedediah Moore was too old to serve in the revolutionary war and died later in life at the advanced age of 110 years. His grandfather Dudley Moore and two of his brothers served in the revolutionary war.

David was baptized and confirmed into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

November 17, 1841, by Murray Sedman, ordained an Elder under the direction of Joseph

Smith, April 7, 1843, and on Oct 8, 1844 was ordained a member of the Seventies, and set apart as the senior president of the second quorum in Nauvoo by Edeson Barries.

His occupation was that of a Carpenter and he worked on the Nauvoo temple and the residences of prominent men in the church, becoming quite intimate with the Prophet Joseph Smith and was in the vicinity at his martyrdom, coming out at the time of the expulsion as far as Plagah in Iowa where he stopped until the spring of 1849, when he started for Utah, reaching Council Bluffs, Jan 8, 1849: here they fitted out for the further move to Utah.

In the company there were 205 souls, 65 wagons and 292 oxen. He was in the hundred of

Allen Taylor, the 50 of Enoch Rheese and was captain of his own 10 and secretary of the hundred.

The company reached Salt Lake City October 20, 1849. The next day being Sunday, they stopped over and listened to a discourse by Orson Pratt in the bowery and started out next day for Weber county and on Oct 28th reached what is now Ogden city, stopping in a little group of cabins near the junctions of the two rivers for the winter.

In the spring of 1850 cabins and all were moved into Farr's fort where on September 6th he was married to Sarah Barker, daughter of Frederick Barker and Ann Blye.

On Jan 26, 1851 he was ordained a High Priest and was afterwards installed as bishop of Mound Fort which position he held 23 years with satisfaction to his superiors and to the people of his ward. He also held many positions of honor and trust in Ogden City before his move to North Ogden a few years ago. He was Ogden's first recorder, serving several years without compensations, even furnishing his own stationary.

He was one of a company of 27 called by President Young to establish the Salmon River mission with instructions to settle among the Flathead, Bannocks, or Shoshones. They departed from Ogden; May 1855 exploring the wilds of the north country, making their own roads and bridges and suffering many hardships and privations. The company consisted of 27 men, 13 wagons and 52 horses and David Moore acted as secretary of the company.

The funeral proceeded from the residence in North Ogden at one o'clock p.m. today to the Mound Fort meeting home where the funeral services were held. The services were attended by a large audience including leading men of the stake.

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Taken from the Ogden Standard Examiner Tuesday, January 29, 1901

FamilySearch Link
David Moore •  KWJC-4FK
20 January 1819 – 26 January 1901  


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