
Through various short stories and personal learning activities, you will observe how your attitude affects choices and how your choices affects behavior. You will learn how self-talk reveals your attitude and how attitude, like behavior, has consequences. You will see that when you respect others, you will earn their respect. And, when you have a reverence for life, your own life will become more meaningful.

This learning guide will help you develop a healthier personal behavior pattern of living. You will see how daily prayer, scripture study, journal-keeping, communicating, and sharing will add happiness to your life. A healthier behavior pattern will directly affect the way you treat others and how others treat you. Your behavior ultimately defines who you are.

Life is filled with choices. Each one affects you in some small or great way. It's important for you to learn how to make choices that lead to happiness and avoid choices that lead to unhappiness. This book provides a way for you to think about the choices you make and helps you develop a healthier behavior pattern in your life.
(See In Control - Elder Robert E. Wells, The New Era, September 1987)

Desire motivates you to take action in hopes of obtaining what you want.  By using reason, you can prioritize which desire to act upon.  You can choose to satisfy or ignore a specific desire.  You can choose to increase or decrease a desire.  Dallin H. Oaks has said: "Let us remember that desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions."
(Desire - Apostle Dallin H. Oaks, LDS General Conference, April 2011)

Laws of
Personal Responsibility & Righteous Relationships


Our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, are perfect examples.  As you become acquainted with their attributes, characteristics, and personality, your desire to become like them will be ignited.  You begin to see your potential and you can choose to behave like them.  You can begin to act more Christlike. As you act more Christlike, your attitude will become cheerful, positive, and inspiring.

In The History of Sandford and Merton , by Thomas Day, young Tommy says, "What a [great] number of accidents people are subject to in this world."  Tommy's mentor replies, "As that is the case, it is necessary to improve ourselves in every manner, that we may be able to struggle against them" (p 228).

It is my hope we will improve ourselves a little each day.


Scott B. Froerer, M.Ed.

I describe myself as a lifelong learner, a person of faith, and one who loves his wife and family.  I have been blessed with five children, a supportive wife, and a career as an administrator for the Division of Continuing Education at Brigham Young University for 37 years.

Many of the stories contained in this work are based on personal experience. The principles and suggestions I share come from my heart as well as from my head.  They feel true to me.  I take full responsibility for the views expressed, which don't necessarily represent the position of BYU or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I pray we will each be blessed
  • with power...by knowing the truth,
  • with freedom...by making wise choices, and
  • with grace...by following heaven's divine example.

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