Mentor Note


Dear Mentor,

A mentor is someone who guides, inspires, and helps develop another. They assist growth and personal achievement until self-reliance and self-confidence is achieved. Then they watch from a distance, in gratitude, when they no longer are needed.

Sometimes, being needed is replaced with respect, and occasionally even emulation. Grandparents, parents, teachers, and mature friends are examples of frequent mentors.

This activity book is designed to be read together, by a mentor and child or children, each morning and evening. In the evenings, a short devotional includes a scripture, prayer, and writing in a journal. To encourage the pondering of what is being read, learning activities are also provided. Mentors should add supporting personal experiences that are child age-appropriate.

As a result of this reading, activity, and sharing process, it is hoped that a healthy living and attitude pattern will be experienced by each child.

The "Bookshelf" button below will provide a link to a listing of resources. The "Harry & Tommy" button will give you a link to each morning and evening reading for ten consecutive days. To begin on the morning of the first day, select Begin.


LDS Resource
Our Father, Our Mentor

Other Resource
Joseph's Song
Joseph (I Was Not His Father)
Michael McLean's "The Forgotten Carols"

Following Worthy Mentors
Ed Eyestone, BYU Speeches  

Bookshelf Index
Bookshelf & Storybook

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Day One