A Nativity Narrative

by Scott Brown Froerer

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     Joseph and Mary thought they would hurry down to Bethlehem, pay their taxes, and then quickly return home to Nazareth before the Sabbath began on Friday at dusk. By traveling twelve hours a day with a large group of their neighbors they expected to easily be there and back within six days.

     Joseph would have preferred leaving Mary behind, now eight months pregnant, with family and friends but she insisted she could make the trip just fine. So Joseph put away his tools, packed enough food and water for a week, and departed with a large group of neighbors on Sunday morning just before sunrise.

     They arrived in the early afternoon on the third day and found Bethlehem more crowded than they ever imagined. After searching for hours and finding no room at any of the Inns, a kind shepherd’s son finally brought them to a nearby sheepfold to shelter for the night.

     Early the next morning Joseph left Mary resting and went to pay their taxes. After standing in a long line for hours, it became clear that he and Mary wouldn’t be leaving at noon with their neighbors as planned. When Joseph was finally able to return to Mary, he found her in labor! Gratefully, the shepherd boy’s mother sat caringly by her side.

     Upon the shepherds return from Jerusalem, after delivering the chosen sheep for sacrifice at the temple, they found the Christ child, delivered of Mary, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in the manger. Prayers for a Messiah had finally been answered.

     Over the next forty days, the shepherd families helped make Joseph, Mary, and their little son as comfortable as possible. They sent word to family and friends in Nazareth that all was well. During this time, many other temple workers and close family friends came quietly to worship their newborn Savior.

     For their safety, it was arranged for Joseph, Mary, and Jesus to join a large traveling group headed north. They returned happily to their home in Nazareth where Joseph found his tools safely waiting for him. Their God and their son’s Father in Heaven had truly watched over and blessed them.







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