Natural Consequences

When I was a young boy, someone injured me much like Harry and I was tempted to go beat the other boy up. But like Harry, I didn't. Instead, I just walked away.

In a few days, I saw the boy sitting on the green lawn in front of his house. I was shocked to see the whole side of his face scraped terribly. I asked him what had happened. He explained he had fallen from his bike and his face had slid along the road.

I said to him, "I guess you got what you deserved" and he said "I guess so." He soon moved from our town and I never saw him again.

I was surprised by what I said and I was even more surprising by what he said. I suppose we both knew we'd be punished for our bad deeds.

That experience changed my heart. It took any desire for revenge right out of me. I knew people would be punished for their sins, if they didn't repent. And this experience taught me that if they didn't repent, they would suffer far more than any revenge I could inflict. The natural consequences of sin can be very harsh.

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