Jacob Froerer's List

In 2 Nephi 5, Nephi records several ways in which he and his family lived after the manner of happiness, these included: 

  • Family: 
    • Nephi took his family with him into the wilderness to keep them safe.
  • Keep the Commandments: 
    • "And we did observe to keep the judgments, and the statutes, and the commandments of the Lord in all things."
  • Planting & Harvesting: 
    • "We did prosper exceedingly; for we did sow seed, and we did reap again in abundance."  For us today, if we obey the law of the harvest, we may reap in abundance according to the Lord's will.  Meaning, use your time wisely to sow good works.
  • Animals:
    • "We began to raise flocks, and herds, and animals of every kind." This may mean to have a family pet.  For Nicole and I, we have three great monkeys to raise.
  • Scriptures:
    • "Had also brought the records which were engraven upon the plates of brass."  Hence, search your scriptures!
  • Preparedness:
    • Nephi "did take the sword of Laban, and after the manner of it did make many swords, lest by any means the people who were now called Lamanites should come upon us and destroy us."
    • This may mean a year supply of food, saving money for a rainy day, or whatever you may feel inspired to do.
  • Work: 
    • "I, Nephi, did cause my people to be industrious, and to labor with their hands."
  • The Temple:
    • "And I, Nephi, did build a temple."
  • Church Service:
    • Nephi "did consecrate Jacob and Joseph, that they should be priests and teachers over the land of my people." 

   Nephi may not have intended this to be an exhaustive list of activities that could lead one to happiness, but this is the cheapest self-help book I've ever seen. Certainly by following this list we will be happier and with the help of the Spirit, we will be healthier spiritually.

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