Comments from Parents
of the Provo Utah Parkway Stake.

  • I have taught my kids to be resilient by telling them that they can accomplish whatever they want even though they have been from disadvantaged home, with me being a single mother and coming from another country. – Marina Valdizan
  • One of the things that we made sure of with all of our boys is that Dad didn't go on every camp out so they could get used to respecting their leaders and find their own strengths. EFY's, scout camps, Youth Conferences and such taught them to rely on themselves and learn to be away from home. This helped in planning for missions. – Cory Shumway
  • I thing the greatest thing we can do is to help them develop a strong sense of their personal divine nature by developing a relationship with their Heavenly Father.  I believe the key to this is helping them develop habits of prayer, scripture study, and meaningful fasting. – Jenny Bond
  • Our daughter, Abbie Froerer Platt, went from shy to shining.


              Serving a full-time LDS mission made a big difference in strengthening her confidence. – Scott Froerer

  • Our son, John S Froerer, has grown from dependent to independent.


Serving a full-time LDS mission increased his love
for world adventure. – Scott Froerer


  • Though I always loved to have an opportunity to go to the temple, it wasn't until my parents were killed that I suddenly realized how important the temple was to me. It has given me a strength, a peace and hope that are deeper and more real than I ever would have imagined. I am so grateful to my parents for making temples so important in their spiritual lives, and consequently in mine. - Amber Marie Chen, former stake member.

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