Fathers Must Have "Sisu"

by Scott B Froerer

‘Sisu’ is a Finnish word meaning to have the courage and resolution to face adversity, even after repeated failures. Sisu is related to determination, perseverance, resilience, and having the guts to do what is right. A father has sisu when he sacrifices his own life to improve the lives of his children.

Like water, sisu is simply a natural and necessary part of who we are. Without sisu we will begin to wither and eventually die. Sisu is a gift from heaven which we must root for and then draw into our being. The process of rooting for water will anchor your life, bring nourishment to your soul, and allow you to grow ever closer to heaven’s light. Sisu is a necessary part of fathering and will help you fill the full measure of your creation.

It is natural for the seed of your body (children) to yearn to be just like you. Fathers must face the winds and storms of life for in them comes the necessary water and nourishment of life. Fathers must have ‘Sisu’!

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