Family 'Basic Training' & Activities





Focus Learning Topics & Activities Monthly Schedule
Spiritual Development
  • Prayer & Hymns
  • Scripture Study & Pondering
  • Service for Others
  • Keeping Commandments & Covenants
  • Journal & Record Keeping
1st Week
Physical Development
  • Exercise & Diet
  • House Cleaning & Yard Work
  • Coordination Skills
  • Outdoor Camping & Treks
  • Personal Hygiene
2nd Week
Practical Development
  • Food Production & Preparation
  • Clothing Design, Production, & Laundering
  • Home Improvement & Outdoor Shelter
  • Employment & Job Skills
  • Financial Budgets, Contributions, & Savings
3rd Week
Mental Development
  • Study & Inquiry
  • Language Skill & Improvement
  • People, Places, & Cultures
  • Schooling Opportunities & Choices
  • Tutoring - Giving and Receiving
4th Week
Social Development
  • Take Turns & Share
  • Care for Others
  • Family Relationships
  • Healthy Friendships
  • Marriage Forever
5th Week

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Fathering Leadership Blog
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