Written by Joseph Grafton Hovey
(1812 - 1868)

Submitted by Steven J. Hovey


Laying Chief Cornerstone of the Temple

April 6, 1853.—There could not have dawned a more lovely or more satisfactory day to the saints or angels. The distant valleys sent forth their inhabitants. This valley swarmed forth its thousands and a more glorious sight has not been seen for generations than at Great Salt Lake City this day. There was an immense assemblage of saints for the Spring Conference. The ingress and egress of 2500 at the tabernacle was scarcely missed. This did not take into consideration the large number who stood without.

The cornerstones for the Temple now rested in their several positions, about sixteen feet below the surface of the Ashton Bank. The procession marched from the tabernacle to the northeast corner of the Temple Ground where President Young and others were assembled. President Young, Brother Heber C. Kimball, Brother Richards, Patriarch John Smith, then went to the southeast corner and proceeded to lay the southeast corner stone of the Temple. They ascended the top thereof, and President Young delivered an oration.

It made my heart glad, and I did rejoice greatly that I had the opportunity to behold another temple commenced, and I prayed to God my Heavenly Father that I may have my health and strength to help build the temple and be found worthy to go therein when it is finished.

At 3:00 p.m. President Young did deliver many edifying and good remarks. I would like to write them but do not have the time and paper is scarce. However, I will note a few of them.

Brother Brigham said, “Some will inquire, ‘do you suppose we will finish the Temple, Brother Brigham?’ I have had such questions put to me already. My answer is, I do not know, and I do not care any more about it than if my body was dead and in the grave. This I do know, there should be a temple built here. I know it is the duty of the people to commence to build a temple. Now some will want to know what kind of a building it will be. Wait patiently, Brethren, until it is done, and put forth your hands willingly to finish it.” Continuing, President Young said, “I scarcely ever say much about revelations or visions, but suffice it to say that five years ago last July, I was here and saw in the spirit the temple not ten feet from where we stand and have laid the chief cornerstone. I have not inquired the kind of temple we should build. Why? Because it was represented before me. I never looked upon that ground but what the vision of the temple was there. I will say it will have six towers to begin with instead of one. Now, do not any of you apostatize because this temple will have six towers while the Prophet Joseph built the other temples with only one tower each. It is easier for us to build sixteen towers than it was for him to build one. The time will come when there will be one in the center of temples we shall build, and on the top there will be groves and fishponds, but we shall not see them here at present.

“Could Joseph have built up the Kingdom of God without first being an apostle? No. He never could. The keys of the Eternal Priesthood, which is after the order of the Son of God, is comprehended by being an apostle. All the Priesthood, all the keys, and all the gifts, and all the endowments and everything preparatory to entering back into the presence of the Father and of the Son is composed or circumscribed by or I might say incorporated within the circumference of the apostleship.”

The others who spoke through the conference all spoke good and comforting. Brother Brigham said there never was a better spirit manifested in any conference than had been in this. He said, “I feel all the time to say, ‘God bless the people.’”





There could not have dawned a more lovely or more satisfactory day...








...I did rejoice greatly....










“I scarcely ever say much about revelations or visions, but suffice it to say that five years ago last July, I was here and saw in the spirit the temple...."







The keys of the Eternal Priesthood, which is after the order of the Son of God, is comprehended by being an apostle.

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