Don’t Give Up!

Don’t Give Up!

DON'T GIVE UP! From Ashes and Desolation to Glory and Exaltation From Ashes and Desolation to Glory and Exaltation No matter how difficult your life gets, don’t give up on the Lord, because the Lord will never give up on you! Remember, God will EXALT your faithful...
“Line Upon Line”

“Line Upon Line”

"LINE UPON LINE" “LINE UPON LINE” Isa. 28:10; 2 Ne. 28:30; D&C 128:21    A young child’s fear of the dark has always been a normal part of growing up. Scary stories, books, and movies have long intrigued and frightened society’s...
Working Together

Working Together

WORKING TOGETHER Desire Higher | Become One | Work Together Working together can accomplish great results. This is especially true when both are as different as… Hot & Cold.   In a successful partnership, neither Hot nor Cold are required to change. Hot...