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“Line Upon Line”

“Line Upon Line”

"LINE UPON LINE" Isa. 28:10; 2 Ne. 28:30; D&C 128:21    A young child's fear of the dark has always been a normal part of growing up. Scary stories, books, and movies have long intrigued and frightened society's imagination. Few have been immune from an occasional...

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“I Decided…”

“I Decided…”

Being welcomed home with love and hugs fills a grateful heart to overflowing. Words can’t describe, reason stares in silence, and wonder won’t let go. Heaven on earth becomes a reality and parents rejoice when there is love at home.      One of our granddaughters...

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Attitude & Gratitude

Attitude & Gratitude

“Do you see your glass as half empty or half full?” Reality tells us that even though the facts around your life don’t change…you can still choose a positive attitude.

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Not a Single Note

Not a Single Note

A Marching Band is No Accident. In fact, Not a Single Note could be performed without great planning and hard work!
A Marching Band has significant Elements of
Preparation before a Performance

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Faithful Effort

Faithful Effort

A father never wants to hear their child say of themselves that they are worthless. A child who thinks of themselves as worthless may be listening to others who brag of their looks, fortune, or social status. Comparing oneself with flashy, loud, and teasing bystanders will never define a person’s worth.

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Love One Another

Love One Another

Unfortunately, many people don’t treat themselves very well and there are some who don’t even know what it’s like to be treated with kindness. We live in a pretty tough world. Nevertheless, fathers can help create a better world for themselves and for their family.

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Prepare Me…Please

Prepare Me…Please

The Apostle Thomas wasn’t prepared for the news that Jesus had risen from the dead. He declared, “Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

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The Law and Grace

The Law and Grace

If you or I were to jump from a high cliff we would fall to our death…unless we were an eagle! In which case the law of gravity would interact marvelously with the laws of flight and we would soar high above the ground.

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Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Fathers should never take for granted the privileged of being a father. Nor should we lessen the privilege, we each have had, of becoming a child. Life is beautiful.

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Humility | Modesty | Purity

Humility | Modesty | Purity

Thoughtful fathers want the best for their children. They understand that lasting happiness comes from humility. Humility is self-esteem not self-admiration, it is self-confidence and not self-importance, and it is a desire to please God and not to satisfy self-serving appetites. Humility builds unity and harmony. Humility is kind to self and others.

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From Dust to Eternity

From Dust to Eternity

Death of a loved one can be difficult for a child to understand or accept. A father can help by teaching them about Heavenly Father’s Great Plan of Happiness and how Jesus Christ has become our Savior. The atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ confirms that life is eternal.

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Promised Virtues

Promised Virtues

One Sunday, in preparation to speak to a group of young women, I drove to our chapel and asked a young man who was preparing the sacrament if I might have a single sacrament cup and he kindly handed me one. I thanked him and hurried on to my speaking appointment.

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Everlasting Life

Everlasting Life

Many fathers have witnessed the effect light can have on their newborn child. Nearly half of all children are born with what is called Jaundice, which is a yellowish or greenish pigmentation of the skin and whites of the eyes due to high bilirubin levels. Light is often used to treat and help correct this problem.

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Lead Kindly Light

Lead Kindly Light

There are times when our pride is overcome, humility breaks us free from the world’s mocking, and we pray. We admit our weaknesses, we ask God for forgiveness and help, and we promise to do better.

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Eternal Happiness

Eternal Happiness

As a father, I want my family to be happy. I understand I must do more than just provide them with food, shelter, and occasionally bringing home toys and gadgets. For me, happiness includes peace of mind that everything will turn out alright for those I love…in TIME and in ETERNITY!

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Never Give Up!

Never Give Up!

The Lord will never give up on you! What a glorious thought. As long as you are willing to try, He will be there to exalt your effort. Although He will never force you into heaven, He will joyfully welcome you home.

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  • Old Testament
  • New Testament
  • Book of Mormon
  • Doctrine & Covenants
  • Pearl of Great Price
  • LDS Hymnal
  • Children’s Songbook


  • Holiness Restored (video)


  • by Elder D. Todd Christofferson


  • Voices From the Past
  • N. C. Hanks’ Inspirational Story
  • An Unexpected Gift
  • “One Holy Thing”
  • Memories Bring Back Memories


  • Captain James Brown
  • Thomas A. Shreeve
  • Catherine Roe Souter
  • Robert Souter
  • Frederick G. Froerer
  • Elizabeth Sabin
  • Lillian Froerer
  • Armstead Moffett
  • Jennie Souter Wolgamott
  • Larraine McCrea
  • Tim Tegge
  • Bernice ‘Roz’ Martin
  • History of Ogden Valley