Develop a Healthier Personal Behavior Pattern


Sunday School | The Visit


  1. LEARN profound lessons through daily stories & reflection
  2. Gain MOTIVATION to change behavior through understanding
  3. TRACK your progress | ACCOUNT for what you’ve done
  4. RECORD your thoughts & impressions
  5. REPEAT good behavior until healthy habits are formed



  1. Pray | To Heavenly Father
  2. Sing/Listen to Hymn
    1. My Redeemer Lives
    2. LDS Hymn #135
  3. Read Scripture | Matthew 4:5-7
  4. Serve | How can I serve today?
  5. Read Story | Sunday School
  6. Ponder | Answer


  1. Read Story | The Visit
  2. Journal | Write in your Journal
  3. Read Scripture | Matthew 4:8-11
  4. Sing/Listen to Hymn
    1. Count Your Blessings
    2. LDS Hymn #241
  5. Pray | To Heavenly Father
    1. Prayer
  6. Ponder | Answer
Flying Snowy Egret | by Scott B. Froerer



“Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank thee…  [use your own words]

I ask thee…   [use your own words]

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”




5. Then the devil taketh him [Jesus] up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

6. And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

7. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.



The mocking statement “If  thou be the Son of God” had no affect on Jesus because He is comfortable knowing who He is.  The devil loses power over us when we know who we are and who Jesus is.





Tommy followed Harry down the hall and into the small classroom. The teacher noticed him come into the room but didn’t say anything, for which Tommy was grateful. He had barely sat down when the teacher began.

“Good morning, I’m Brother Shreeve and today’s gospel question is: Why is a baptismal font sometimes compared to a tomb?”

Tommy didn’t even know what a baptismal font was but a boy on the front row raised his hand and Brother Shreeve called on him.

“Because baptism represents being buried.”

“That’s correct” said the teacher. “Let’s read about this in your scriptures. Turn to Romans chapter six in the New Testament. Who will read verse four?”

A girl was selected and began to read: “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”Romans 6:4

“Thank you, Lisa. Who would like to share their thoughts on this scripture?”

Again Lisa raised her hand and was selected. “I like the newness of life part. I remember feeling so good after I was baptized. I felt warm inside.”

“Thank you, anyone else. Okay, Cynthia.”

Cynthia smiled and then said, “In Family Home Evening we talked about Christ’s death on the cross and how he was buried in a tomb for three days. And then how he was resurrected and talked with Mary. I like that part…how Christ talked with Mary.”

“Good point. Not only are we buried in water like Christ was buried in the tomb but we are raised from the water like Christ was raised from the tomb” added Brother Shreeve.

Tommy didn’t know what Cynthia meant about Family Home Evening but was starting to get use to hearing new words he didn’t understand. He did notice her pale skin and big eyes. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.

Brother Shreeve pulled Tommy back to the lesson by asking if he would be willing to read from Apostle John Chapter three, but then, paused. “Rather than reading, would you be willing to answer a question? I understand you are living with Harry for a few days. Tell us, where are you from and what is your name?”

Tommy’s panic subsided enough to answer. “I’m from San Bernardino, California. I’m Thomas.”

“Thank you Thomas. Since you’re a visitor, let’s ask Harry to read from the Apostle John in the New Testament, chapter three, verse five.”

Tommy was so relieved he didn’t really listen as Harry began to read: “Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” – John 3:5

“Thank you, Harry. So, our Savior preached that everyone must ‘be born of water’ or, in other words, be baptized like He was.” 

“But this brings us to a problem. What if your sister should die on the way to her baptism? Does this mean she can’t ‘enter into the kingdom of God’ because she wasn’t baptized? This doesn’t seem fair.”

“That’s why we do baptisms for the dead,” interrupted Shane, not waiting to be called on.

“Oh,” said Brother Shreeve, “so you agree with the Apostle Paul. Let’s read in the New Testament once more, First Corinthians, chapter fifteen. Who will read verse twenty-nine? Thank you, Melissa.”

“Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?”
1 Cor 15:29

That’s when Brother Shreeve got sort of serious. And before saying anything he looked at each person, then quietly said: “Paul was trying to bear witness that Christ had risen from the dead and he was using the practice of baptism for the dead to confirm his testimony. Where is baptism for the dead performed today?”

Shane again called out the answer: “In the temple.”

“That’s correct, Shane”, said Brother Shreeve, “but next time be sure to raise your hand before answering.”

“Paul also preached of different kingdoms of glory. One kingdom like the stars, another like the moon, and another like the sun. I want you to know that our Father in Heaven’s kingdom is like the sun, and all must be baptized to enter into His kingdom. Let’s read First Corinthians, chapter fifteen, verses fifty-five, fifty-seven, and fifty-eight.”

After everyone’s pages quieted he took a deep breath and slowly let it out, then began to read: “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”  – 1 Cor 15:55,57

“So,” said Brother Shreeve after clearing his throat and again speaking with a forceful voice, “even death can’t keep us from returning to His kingdom.”

Just then the bell rang, signaling the end of class. “Let’s read the last verse before the closing prayer.”

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”
1 Cor 15:58

Again Brother Shreeve spoke quietly. “I know that doing what the Lord wants us to do will bring us peace in this life and great joy in the next. So stay steadfast in doing what’s right.”

The prayer was said and Tommy waited for Harry to lead him to the next meeting.

“That wasn’t so bad,” said Tommy as they walked down a long hall.

“Brother Shreeve lost his son last summer in an accident on the farm. He was six.”

“Oh” said Tommy.


Physical death is part of our mortal experience.  “The body without the spirit is dead” (see James 2:26). When someone we love dies, their spirit body is separated from their physical body and we mourn the loss of their companionship.

Resurrection is the reuniting of one’s spirit body and physical body.  “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” The “sting” of death is overcome through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer (see 1 Cor 15:21-23, 55).  Life is restored and loving companionships are renewed.

Read: Job 19:25-27


25. For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:.

26. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:

27. Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.

  • How do you feel about Job’s testimony?

  • Knowing we shall see our Redeemer some day,
    how should you live your life today?

  • Commitment: I will thank Heavenly Father for His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • Commitment Kept:

  • Signature: ________________________




Tommy was delighted when he learned that he and Harry had been invited to dinner by Sister Lindsay.

Perhaps I’ll get some real food for a change, thought Tommy.

He hadn’t complained to Harry, but he sure missed the snacks and treats before and after dinner. And he missed the sweet dishes served by their servants back home. So the shock couldn’t have been more complete had the earth opened up and swallowed him when they sat up to eat.

A small table had been moved to the center of the room. The kitchen, dining room, living room, and bedroom were all just one room. Three bowls were waiting on the table.

Sister Lindsay said a prayer, saying thanks for their meal, and asking that Harry and he would be protected, then proceeded to fill their bowls with potato soup.

Tommy felt a strange warmth when she mentioned his name in the prayer. If ever a prayer would be heard, Tommy felt sure this sincere prayer would be answered by God.

A loaf of bread and a new jar of jelly were the only other food items on the table. In fact, the table was so small that there was no room for anything else.

Harry began to comment on how happy he was to be invited for dinner, giving Tommy a chance to look around the room. The couch could be made into a bed, the kitchen was divided by a curtain from the rest of the the room, and down the narrow hall was the bathroom they had passed while entering the apartment.

Harry began retelling his encounter with the rattlesnake of a few days ago. This brought Tommy’s thoughts back to the conversation.

“You sure were lucky,” Tommy exclaimed. He was very impressed by Harry’s story.

Harry paused, then said, “Perhaps I was protected more than just being lucky.”

“Let me tell you of an experience my husband, John, had when he was a young man, long before we were married,” said Sister Lindsay.



John’s vacation was great fun and then it came time to return home. The hour was late, long past dark, before he began the drive home. The radio was his only companion as he turned onto the road that climbed to the high mountain pass known as Monte Cristo. The lower road would take longer and since it was already late he didn’t want to spend any more time than necessary.


Within minutes it began raining lightly. Although July is usually the hottest month of the year, this year it was unseasonably cold. Rain turned to a snowflake here and there and then into a snowstorm with large wet flakes falling heavily upon the windshield. He knew as the car climbed higher that the storm would only intensify. For a moment, he wondered if he should turn back, then drove on.


The road was quickly buried under five inches of pure white snow and he was still several mountain miles from the summit. He knew it would be difficult to keep good traction if the tires were to start spinning so he pressed down on the gas peddle with a steady pressure . With no car tracks ahead of him to follow he relied on his knowledge of the twisting road and kept the car headlights centered between the walls of forest trees to each side of him.


Suddenly, a dark figure came from the forest and stopped in the middle of the road. John hesitantly slowed the car until the headlights revealed a man, perhaps in his early thirties, wearing a sleeveless outdoor vest and no hat. John stopped his car, slightly rolled his window down, and waited for the man to come to the driver’s side window.


He asked for a ride, saying he had been hiking for hours and his wife and children needed help. John turned up the heater as he came around to the passenger side. The man sat wearily, still covered with snow, and embraced himself with his bare shivering arms.


The man and his family had been enjoying a weekend outing when bad weather turned the road to mud. With great effort they moved forward only a short distance before they abandoned their trailer and continued on in their truck. After a few miles further, the truck also sunk deep into the red, slick mud and darkness forced them to give up hope of freeing it without assistance. That’s when he decide to hike out for help.


Here he was, still twenty or thirty miles from the nearest town, eleven o’clock at night, in the middle of a summer snow storm, and asking if my husband could turn up the car heater. By this time John was sweating heavily and had to tell him the heater was already as high as it could go. He thanked him and spoke about getting home as soon as possible, where he could call family and friends together, and head back to rescue his wife and children. He spoke of the last days and how times and seasons would be changed. He spoke of his fear that wild animals might attack his family and yet said nothing of his own courage to walk through the storm alone, to save his loved ones.


When they arrived at the man’s home, he assured my husband that his family and friends would help him and he hurried off to begin phoning. John watched until he safely enter his home, turned off the heater, and bowed his head. This family had a long and difficult night still ahead, and John asked a blessing to be upon them. A shiver went through him as he wondered what would have happened if he had taken the other road, or if he had passed by a minute too soon to have seen him. He gave thanks, for he knew that their meeting was no accident.


“Thank you so much for coming,” Sister Lindsay said as she waved from her open doorway. Harry and Tommy waved happily in return.

That night, Harry and Tommy prepared for bed. Harry read their daily scripture and prayed for Sister Lindsay. Tommy watched inquisitively as Harry wrote in his journal.


Record your activites, feelings, thoughts, and/or questions.





8. Again, the devil taketh him [Jesus] up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

9. And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

10. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

11. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.


The truth is, the devil has nothing to give.  He’s only interested in taking your freedom, your dignity, and your life.  He promises everything and delivers nothing.  He lies.



“Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank thee for the atonement and resurrection of thy Son.

Help us to follow Him and keep His commandments.

Please bless us to understand how we should live.

Please bless Widow Lindsay for her sharing with us today.

We thank thee so much for life.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”


When good things happen we call it a blessing. Blessings are from God. Because God is a loving Heavenly Father, He wants to bless all His children.

Some blessings are given to all freely. The sun shines down on all of God’s children. (see Matt 5:43-45). And all will be resurrected through Jesus Christ.

Some blessings are given only to those who deserve them, or in other words, they repent, for “no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven” (see Alma 11:37 & 3 Ne. 27:19-22). God’s greatest blessings are reserved for those who obey His will and keep His commandments.


  • What good things have happened to you?
  • How can you show your appreciation to God?

  • Commitment: I will show Heavenly Father that I love Him by treating others the way I want to be treated.

  • Commitment Kept:


  • Signature: ________________________