Honored Pioneers
Give Thanks | Fathering Leadership

This wagon was handmade by Thomas Wilson Stowe. He was born in 1883 and passed away in 1975. He was my great grandmother’s younger brother, so we called him Uncle Tom. He and his wife, Ellen, were childless and lived just down the street from my grandparents. They were kind and generous. I admired his remarkable talent and attention to detail.

Fathers should never take for granted the privileged of being a father. Nor should we lessen the privilege, we each have had, of becoming a child. Life is beautiful.

How do you thank someone who has given you life? How do you thank someone who has touched your life and made it better? How do you thank someone who has contributed to and added value to your life? Along with my father and mother, I look forward to one day expressing my sincere thanks to Uncle Tom for blessing my life.

Our pioneer forefathers established and refined the world we live in. Land was plowed, homes were built, and cities were founded. Home life, religious life, and modern cultures grew from wilderness and want. Great faith and sacrifice has provided the foundation we build on today.

Today we celebrate what previous generations have accomplished…for themselves, for their children, and for their countless descendants. Today we honor them for who they were, for what they did, and for all we have inherited from them. Today we remember and appreciate them. Today we should dedicate ourselves with a promise to emulate their good works.


Give Thanks

Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing,
for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.
And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.

Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind;
and the willing and obedient shall
eat the good of the land of Zion
in these last days.”



[This blog represents my personal views and is not an official site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.]


Give Thanks | by President Russel M. Nelson

Give Thanks in All Things | by President Dallin H. Oaks

Fathers | by Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Don’t Give Up!

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University Football Game | Marching Band | Cheerleaders | Fathering Leadership

Not a Single Note

A Marching Band is No Accident. In fact, Not a Single Note could be performed without great planning and hard work!
A Marching Band has significant Elements of
Preparation before a Performance

God Will Exalt Your Faithful Effort | Fathering Leadership

Faithful Effort

A father never wants to hear their child say of themselves that they are worthless. A child who thinks of themselves as worthless may be listening to others who brag of their looks, fortune, or social status. Comparing oneself with flashy, loud, and teasing bystanders will never define a person’s worth.

Parallel Thinking | Fathering Leadership

Parallel Thinking

athers know, all too well, that both good and evil has occurred throughout human history.

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Love One Another

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Prepare Me to Live with Thee | Fathering Leadership

Prepare Me…Please

The Apostle Thomas wasn’t prepared for the news that Jesus had risen from the dead. He declared, “Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.”


The time is now!

Create Healthier Behavior Patterns