Learning Activity

Day 4 ~ Evening

When good things happen we call it a blessing. Blessings are from God. Because God is a loving Heavenly Father, He wants to bless all His children.

Some blessings are given to all freely. The sun shines down on all of God's children. (see Matt 5:43-45). And all will be resurrected through Jesus Christ.

Some blessings are given only to those who deserve them, or in other words, they repent, for "no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven" (see Alma 11:37 & 3 Ne. 27:19-22). God's greatest blessings are reserved for those who obey His will and keep His commandments.

What good things have happened to you?

How can you show your appreciation to God?

Commitment: I will show Heavenly Father that I love Him by treating others the way I want to be treated.

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