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Day 4 ~ Evening

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The Visit

Tommy was delighted when he learned that he and Harry had been invited to dinner by Sister Lindsay.

Perhaps I'll get some real food for a change, thought Tommy.

He hadn't complained to Harry, but he sure missed the snacks and treats before and after dinner. And he missed the sweet dishes served by their servants back home. So the shock couldn't have been more complete had the earth opened up and swallowed him when they sat up to eat.

A small table had been moved to the center of the room. The kitchen, dining room, living room, and bedroom were all just one room. Three bowls were waiting on the table.

Sister Lindsay said a prayer, saying thanks for their meal, and asking that Harry and he would be protected, then proceeded to fill their bowls with potato soup.

Tommy felt a strange warmth when she mentioned his name in the prayer. If ever a prayer would be heard, Tommy felt sure this sincere prayer would be answered by God.

A loaf of bread and a new jar of jelly were the only other food items on the table. In fact, the table was so small that there was no room for anything else.

Harry began to comment on how happy he was to be invited for dinner, giving Tommy a chance to look around the room. The couch could be made into a bed, the kitchen was divided by a curtain from the rest of the the room, and down the narrow hall was the bathroom they had passed while entering the apartment.

Harry began retelling his encounter with the rattlesnake of a few days ago. This brought Tommy's thoughts back to the conversation.

"You sure were lucky," Tommy exclaimed. He was very impressed by Harry's story.

Harry paused, then said, "Perhaps I was protected more than just being lucky."

"Let me tell you of an experience my husband, John, had when he was a young man, long before we were married," said Sister Lindsay.

No Accident

"Thank you so much for coming," Sister Lindsay said as she waved from her open doorway. Harry and Tommy waved happily in return.

That night, Harry and Tommy prepared for bed. Harry read their daily scripture and prayed for Sister Lindsay. Tommy watched inquisitively as Harry wrote in his journal.

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[  ]     Journal - Write in your Journal

[  ]     Scripture - Matthew 4:8-11

[  ]     Hymn - Count Your Blessings

LDS Hymn # 241

[  ]     Prayer - To Heavenly Father



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