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![]() Day 4 ~ Morning ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Devotional [ ] Prayer - To Heavenly Father [ ] Hymn - My Redeemer Lives [ ] Scripture - Matthew 4:5-7 [ ] Service - How can I serve today?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tommy followed Harry down the hall and into the small classroom. The teacher noticed him come into the room but didn't say anything, for which Tommy was grateful. He had barely sat down when the teacher began. "Good morning, I'm Brother Shreeve and today's gospel question is: Why is a baptismal font sometime compared to a tomb?" Tommy didn't even know what a baptismal font was but a boy on the front row raised his hand and Brother Shreeve called on him. "Because baptism represents being buried." "That's correct" said the teacher. "Let's read about this in your scriptures. Turn to Romans chapter six in the New Testament. Who will read verse four?" A girl was selected and began to read: "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." - Romans 6:4 "Thank you, Lisa. Who would like to share their thoughts on this scripture?" Again Lisa raised her hand and was selected. "I like the newness of life part. I remember feeling so good after I was baptized. I felt warm inside." "Thank you, anyone else. Okay, Cynthia." Cynthia smiled and then said, "In Family Home Evening we talked about Christ's death on the cross and how he was buried in a tomb for three days. And then how he was resurrected and talked with Mary. I like that part...how Christ talked with Mary." "Good point. Not only are we buried in water like Christ was buried in the tomb but we are raised from the water like Christ was raised from the tomb" added Brother Shreeve. Tommy didn't know what Cynthia meant about Family Home Evening but was starting to get use to hearing new words he didn't understand. He did notice her pale skin and big eyes. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Brother Shreeve pulled Tommy back to the lesson by asking if he would be willing to read from Apostle John Chapter three, but then, paused. "Rather than reading, would you be willing to answer a question? I understand you are living with Harry for a few days. Tell us, where are you from and what is your name?" Tommy's panic subsided enough to answer. "I'm from San Bernardino, California. I'm Thomas." "Thank you Thomas. Since you're a visitor, let's ask Harry to read from the Apostle John in the New Testament, chapter three, verse five." Tommy was so relieved he didn't really listen as Harry began to read: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." - John 3:5 "Thank you, Harry. So, our Savior preached that everyone must 'be born of water' or, in other words, be baptized like He was." "But this brings us to a problem. What if your sister should die on the way to her baptism? Does this mean she can't 'enter into the kingdom of God' because she wasn't baptized? This doesn't seem fair." "That's why we do baptisms for the dead," interrupted Shane, not waiting to be called on. "Oh," said Brother Shreeve, "so you agree with the Apostle Paul. Let's read in the New Testament once more, First Corinthians, chapter fifteen. Who will read verse twenty-nine? Thank you, Melissa." "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?" - That's when Brother Shreeve got sort of serious. And before saying anything he looked at each person, then quietly said: "Paul was trying to bear witness that Christ had risen from the dead and he was using the practice of baptism for the dead to confirm his testimony. Where is baptism for the dead performed today?" Shane again called out the answer: "In the temple." "That's correct, Shane", said Brother Shreeve, "but next time be sure to raise your hand before answering." "Paul also preached of different kingdoms of glory. One kingdom like the stars, another like the moon, and another like the sun. I want you to know that our Father in Heaven's kingdom is like the sun, and all must be baptized to enter into His kingdom. Let's read First Corinthians, chapter fifteen, verses fifty-five, fifty-seven, and fifty-eight." After everyone's pages quieted he took a deep breath and slowly let it out, then began to read: "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." - 1 Cor 15:55,57 "So," said Brother Shreeve after clearing his throat and again speaking with a forceful voice, "even death can't keep us from returning to His kingdom." Just then the bell rang, signaling the end of class. "Let's read the last verse before the closing prayer." "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." - Again Brother Shreeve spoke quietly. "I know that doing what the Lord wants us to do will bring us peace in this life and great joy in the next. So stay steadfast in doing what's right." The prayer was said and Tommy waited for Harry to lead him to the next meeting. "That wasn't so bad," said Tommy as they walked down a long hall. "Brother Shreeve lost his son last summer in an accident on the farm. He was six." "Oh" said Tommy. |
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