Learning Activity

Day 6 ~ Evening

Honesty is telling the truth. An honest person can be trusted to tell what really happened, even if it means their getting in trouble. When George Washington's father asked, 'Who chopped down the cherry tree?' he truthfully answered, 'I did.'  People re-tell this story because it represents the kind of person we should be...trustworthy.

Honesty is living the truth. An honest person will not lie, steal, or cheat. When we know its wrong to steal, and we don't, we are being honest to what we believe. This is called integrity.

Honesty is a companion of goodness and purity. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (see John 8:32).

How difficult is it to be honest?

Commitment: I promise to be more honest from now on.

Commitment Kept:



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