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Day 6 ~ Evening

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Tommy had never been to a Scout meeting before.

Harry had explained to him that Scouting is where the young men and young women meet and learn to put their Sunday teachings into practice. He also explained that Scouting was fun because they learned things like first aid, cooking skills, and they go camping every month.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, tying knots relay race, and many other loud activities, the patrol leader called all the scouts together. Harry had done well in every activity, while Tommy sat and watched from a safe distance.

The youth patrol leader reminded the scouts to meet at Mrs. Jones' house on Friday to help clean up her yard and then turned the time over to the Scoutmaster for a closing thought.

The Scoutmaster told a story about how dishonesty hurts and then asked the youth patrol leader to lead everyone in repeating the Scout Law.

Dishonesty Hurts     Scout Law

Later that evening, as usual in Harry's home, they opened the Bible and read that evening's scriptures. Then, after writing in their journals, they knelt together and said their evening prayer.

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[  ]     Journal - Write in your Journal

[  ]     Scripture - Matthew 5:1-9

[  ]     Hymn - True to the Faith

LDS Hymn # 254

[  ]     Prayer - To Heavenly Father



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Boy Scouts of America
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Have a Good Night !