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Day 7 ~ Morning

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[  ]     Prayer - To Heavenly Father


[  ]     Hymn - Truth Eternal

LDS Hymn # 4

[  ]     Scripture - Matthew 5:10-16

[  ]     Service - How can I serve today?

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"Today, we'll be reading as a group," announced the teacher. "Everyone will take a turn reading a paragraph or two."

Harry was excited. He loved reading and was one of the best readers in the class. Then he thought of Tommy. He glanced over to where he was sitting and could see the panic on his face.

Harry was one of the first to begin reading. He stood by his desk and read sentence after sentence without a flaw.

Much too soon it was Tommy's turn. He slowly stood, noticed a girl with long black braids staring at him, and fumbled on the very first word. His eyes started to water and the whole page became blurry. Then he heard someone begin reading the words he could no longer see, it was Harry!

Tommy felt the girl with the long black braids finally stop staring at him when it became her turn to read. The teacher helped her with a couple of words and thanked her when she finished reading quite a long paragraph.

As the reading continued, Tommy realized that though others struggled, they all could read better than he could.

And if that wasn't bad enough, during a video on the environment, Tommy's pen, he'd been sucking on so it would stick on his tongue, suddenly filled his mouth with ink! At first he didn't know what to do, then he raced to the drinking fountain in the back of the classroom. He immediately began spitting and rinsing out the terrible taste. "I hate school," he said to himself.


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Have a Good Day !