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Day 10 ~ Evening

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Saying Good-bye

That night, Harry wrote in his Journal:

"Tommy returned home today on his father's private jet. Miss Guardiola was happy to see him. I think she is as old as my dad. Tommy said he will call soon. He wants me to visit him. It would be fun to ride in his jet. I hope the tomato plant I gave him grows okay. We had fun. I hope he can come back soon. It is sad his father and mother don't get along. My dad is great. Sometimes he's too serious but most of the time he's okay. I better close before my eyes are too tired to read scriptures tonight."

Harry's father hadn't returned home from irrigating the garden yet, so Harry read from the scriptures alone after putting his journal back on its shelf.

He knew his father would read the same verses later that night after their water turn. Harry still hadn't figured out why the irrigation water couldn't come at the same time every week instead of random days and all hours of the day and night. He'd have to ask his dad to explain it.

He was ready for sleep and quickly climbed into bed right after his prayer.

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[  ]     Journal - Write in your Journal

[  ]     Scripture - Matthew 6:1-4

[  ]     Hymn - O My Father

LDS Hymn # 292

[  ]     Prayer - To Heavenly Father

                       Harry's Prayer


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Have a Good Night !