


     'Mother' is a "scared title referring to a woman who bears or adopts children. Mothers assist in God's plan by providing mortal bodies for God's spirit children."(footnote #1) A father is more than a provider, a caregiver, or even a mentor. A father is also a "sacred title referring to a man who has begotten or legally adopted a child"(footnote #2)

     "Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations. (footnote #3)

     What a grand privilege it is to be a parent!  Who can describe one's feelings when a child's innocent eyes recognize your smile, when pure ears respond to your voice, when tiny hands reach out and embrace your finger...then call you "daddy."  Is there any greater trust given by one soul to another?

     Fortunately we are not this child's only parents.  We each have a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who love us and whom we lived with before this mortal life.  "When we comprehend the doctrine of premortal life, we know that we are the children of God, that we lived with him in spirit form before entering mortality."(footnote #4)

     As mortal parents, we begin to understand the wonder of life.  We see more clearly the difficult challenge of helping our spirit brother or sister learn the critical lessons of life.  We learn to pray with them and for them.  We teach them of our loving Heavenly Parents and of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

     We bow our head, strive to better emulate heaven's example, and swell with joy when we hear the word "mother" or "father."



(1) Guide to the Scriptures: Mother
(2) Guide to the Scriptures: Father
(3) The Family: A Proclamation to the World
(4) The Mystery of Life, Elder Boyd K. Packer, Nov.1983


Additional Resources

A 3-Step Guide to Maintaining Your Mental Health ~ By Michael Gardner, PhD Family Services, Ensign, Sept. 2020

'We believe in fathers'By Eliza Smith-Driggs  Church News, 21 Jun. 2020

Oh, what a privilege!

Family Man

Song & Lyrics by Tim Tegge,
photography by Scott Froerer

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