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Day 1 ~ Morning
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[  ]     Prayer - To Heavenly Father

Harry's prayer

[  ]     Hymn - Lead Me into Life Eternal

LDS Hymn # 45

[  ]     Scripture - Matthew 3:1-6

[  ]     Service - How can I serve today?

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Harry's Good Fortune

Harry stopped running so he could catch his breath while still keeping sight of the small gray mouse as it darted along the sunlit path. Assuming that the mouse was enjoying this game, Harry didn't understand how frightened the little animal was. To Harry, this was just a way of having fun. He didn't once consider the possibility that this felt like a life-or-death drama for the mouse.

Soon, after catching his breath, Harry again took up the chase. The small patch of weeds at the side of the trail provided the mouse only temporary cover until Harry's approach again caused him to dash off for a more secure hiding place.

Suddenly, a huge rattlesnake struck from the dark shadows along the trail. Harry leapt backwards to avoid its deadly poison. His scrambling feet kicked up such a cloud of dust that at first he couldn't see, and then with eyes filled with fear, he strained to see if the poisonous snake was coming after him.

Once satisfied he was safe, his concentration turned to read his mind for pain. Did it bite me? he thought to himself. The rattlesnake was so close. How could it have missed? That's when he saw his good fortune. There, motionless before the recoiled snake, lay the small gray mouse. The snake hadn't missed!

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Mouse Link

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Snake Link


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Have a Good Day !