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Day 1 ~ Evening
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A Talk with Dad

That evening, while his father and Harry were cleaning-up after dinner, Harry began to tell his father about his encounter with the rattlesnake.

Harry's father listened quietly.

"Sit down, Harry," said his father. "I'd like to tell you something."

Harry sat down on the long bench next to the kitchen table.

"I love you Harry. You know that, don't you?"

"Sure, Dad. I know."

"Let's review our rules, his father began. "You must always tell me where you're going, never go too far unless someone is with you, and remember to use your head or your whole body will suffer."

Harry nodded.

His father continued, "You know the foothills have many rattlers in them, especially at this time of the year. Generally, if you don't disturb them, they won't disturb you. And it's helpful to know that they always rattle before they strike. . . they always rattle. . . unless, of course, they strike first."

Harry smiled so his dad would know he got the joke. "Ok, Dad. I'll be careful."

"Thanks, Harry," said his father. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

"I know, Dad," said Harry.

"Your experience with the snake reminds me of a dream I had many years ago. I wrote it down in my journal. Would you like to hear about it?"

"Sure," responded Harry.

Harry's father retrieved his journal from the desk in his bedroom, joined Harry on the couch, and began to read.

 Tiny Snake

The Tiny Snake

"That's a pretty intense dream", said Harry.

Harry enjoyed reading with his father. They tried to read from the scriptures and write in their journals every night.

Harry's father smiled and said, "Tonight, have pleasant dreams and don't let the bed-snakes bite."

They both laughed and the bedroom light was turned off.

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[  ]     Journal - Write in your Journal

[  ]     Scripture - Matthew 3:7-9

[  ]     Hymn - Did You Think to Pray?

LDS Hymn # 140

[  ]     Prayer - To Heavenly Father

                       Dad's Prayer


Drawing by
James C. Allison

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Have a Good Night !