There is value in work. We have inherited so many blessings from the labor of countless past generations. The railroad industry illustrates this perfectly.
The locomotive steam engine boilermaker labored to ensure enough power would be available when the train steamed along the miles of railroad tracks. Workers drove steel spikes into countless railroad ties to hold the seemingly endless ribbon of rails safely in place. Waiting postal workers received, off-loaded, and carried mail to its final destination of joyous recipients.
Today, we can look back and marvel at their accomplishments. Literally, by the sweat of their brow we enjoy the fruit of their labor.
Now think forward. Tomorrow's children will be enriched by today's labor. We must not take for granted or be content to simply live off the labor of others. We too must labor...for we are passing on more than material wealth. We are endowing our children with values.
The value of work will give future generations confidence, self-reliance, and endow them with the personal power to travel their chosen path in life.