Law of the Harvest
   Fathers who teach their children to live by the law of the harvest:

   "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7) will see generations provided for. Help them learn this law by seeing, trying, and applying. This pattern will form a strong lifetime habit.

   Memories are being stored up every moment of our lives, so do things together! Preserve good fruit and good memories. Sow today what you want to enjoy tomorrow.

   A father must provide his family with the necessities of life, and then, can do so much more.

   Every father has something beneficial he can share. How to bait a hook, how to plant a garden, and how to hammer a nail is just the beginning. A father can safely drive a car, balance the family budget, and tie a super-duper knot.

   Teach what you know and let your children see, try, and do for themselves.

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Photos and Text by Scott B. Froerer



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