What Fathers Must Give Up and Take Up

   Fathers are asked to give up so much. It just isn't fair!

   When you think about it, everything in life comes at a cost and successful fathering is no exception.

   We learn early in life that if you want candy from the store you must pay for it. If you want the keys to your parent's car you must earn their trust before you can drive. If you want to graduate from college you better get a job and study for it.

   And if you want a successful marriage, you need to get married, and give up and take up a lot of stuff.

   Giving up so much, just isn't fair...because you receive so much more that you give up!

You must...

Give Up Take Up
Toys for Tools
Play Time for Family Time
Me Thinking for Us Thinking
Mine for Ours
Alone Time for Family Time
Sleeping In for Camping Out
Self Centered for Family Centered
Simple for Complex
Pleasures for Joys

   You must pay for,
give up for,
and work for
a better family experience...
because it's so worth it!

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Photos and Text by Scott B. Froerer



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