The Ten Day Challenge

During the next ten days, record your

Healthy Personal Behavior Pattern

DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Morning Devotional Prayer
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DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Evening Devotional Journal

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Hymn Sing, listen to, or simply keep in mind the words of a hymn throughout the day.


Speak with Heavenly Father, give Him thanks, seek His guidance, and then follow His Son, Jesus Christ.


Read and ponder scripture:

  • The Bible ~ Old Testament
  • The Bible ~ New Testament
  • The Book of Mormon ~ Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
  • Doctrine and Covenants
  • Pearl of Great Price
Service Give spontaneous or planned service, frequently in secret and without remuneration.


Keep a record of your activities and insights, then from time to time, review your journal to make future improvements.

"I am going to live. There is nothing given to me
but time in which to live, and I am going to
endeavor each day of my life to do some labor
which will be acceptable in the sight of my
Heavenly Father, and if it is possible, do a little
better today than I did yesterday."

- by Heber J. Grant

  Come Unto Christ  

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